Abhyaas Prelims 2024: Succeed in UPSC Prelims with Post-Test Analysis
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services preliminary examination is a first pivotal step for aspirants aiming to serve in various capacities within the Indian government. It consists of two papers: General Studies (GS) and the Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT), focusing
Abhyaas 2024: A Simulated Mock Test Series for Achieving Success in UPSC Prelims
The UPSC Civil Services Examination is one of the most prestigious exams in India with lakhs of aspirants striving to find a place in the final merit list each year. The exam is conducted in three stages – Prelims, Mains, and Personality Test.
Conquering the UPSC Prelims 2024: The Impact of Mock Tests on Success
Like marathon runners who enhance their endurance through regular training, UPSC Prelims aspirants also develop their knowledge base and exam proficiency by consistently engaging in mock tests. Each session of mock testing bolsters mental endurance and the capacity to maintain concentration during the
75-Day Countdown to UPSC Prelims 2024: Mastering Your Preparation Strategy
The UPSC Preliminary examination consisting of two papers: General Studies (GS) and the Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT), is designed to assess aspirants on their general awareness, problem solving skills, analytical abilities, critical thinking, and other abilities required to succeed as Civil Servants.
UPSC CSE Preparation Strategy, Planning and Approach for Working Professionals
In the quest for a sense of purpose, diverse career opportunities, leadership, respect, prestige, and working for a cause larger than oneself, many working professionals aspire to join civil services. While other jobs might seem more suitable, remunerative or convenient, the UPSC civil
Achieve Excellence in UPSC CSE through Smart and Integrated Preparation Strategy
As India proudly hosts the G-20 Summit in September the leaders of the world’s largest economies will assemble and develop the global agenda for the upcoming year. Behind each of the decisions being taken at this Summit, there are Civil Servants who are